Back country Packing

Back country Packing

Help Wanted

Backcountry packer wanted for east-side Bob Marshall Wilderness outfitter. We have are looking for a packer to run supplies, haul hay, haul meat, and other assorted back country  packing work for a hunting camp.  Would start mid to late August with wrapping up summer trips and move into camp set up.  Season runs through mid-October. Requires stock experience, riding experience and some packing fundamentals.  This is a small well oiled team and being able to work with people is a must.  Must be self-motivated and able to work well on a schedule.  Aspects of this job include working the the larger team as well as another packer at times. Job includes packing supplies on packstock (primarily mules), meat transport, stock care, as well as some camp chores when in camp. We are based in Choteau, MT and all of our trips are from the east side of the Bob Marshall. Contact Joseph Haas 303-717-1733 for additional information or the website at  
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2021 11th Avenue, Ste. 12
Helena, MT 59601
Ph: (406) 449-3578 /